Results for 'Irma Angélica Bañuelos Ávila'

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  1.  21
    El crimen del padre Amaro. Dos contextos: Portugal siglo XIX, México siglo XX.Marina Ruano Gutiérrez & Irma Angélica Bañuelos Ávila - 2021 - Argos 8 (22):16-33.
    Este trabajo está divido en dos partes: en la primera de ellas se aborda la novela decimonónica de Eça de Queirós El crimen del padre Amaro: Escenas de la vida devota, así como la adaptación cinematográfica de Carlos Carrera y el guión de Vicente Leñero para la película El crimen del padre Amaro. Y un particular retorno al género novelístico El padre Amaro de Vicente Leñero. La metodología que se usará en este primer apartado será: exégesis de la adaptación, resumen (...)
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    Understanding Undergraduate Plagiarism in the Context of Students’ Academic Experience.Jorge Ávila de Lima, Áurea Sousa, Angélica Medeiros, Beatriz Misturada & Cátia Novo - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (2):147-168.
    Previous research has shown that student plagiarism is the product of interplay between individual and situational factors. The present study examined the relationship between these two sets of factors with a particular focus on variables linked to students’ academic context namely, their perception of peer behaviors, their experience of adversities in academic life, and their year of enrollment. So far, these situational features have received scant attention in studies of plagiarism conducted in most of Europe. A survey was carried out (...)
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    The holy martyrs of Évora.Artur Goulart de Melo Borges - 2010 - Cultura:201-210.
    A 27 de Outubro comemora a Igreja os santos Vicente, Sabina e Cristeta. Conhecidos como os Mártires de Évora, a eles foi erguida no século XV na cidade alentejana, no local onde se dizia terem nascido, uma ermida, ampliada no século seguinte já à conta do Município, que ainda hoje mantém a propriedade. Era-lhes também dedicada, na nave direita da Sé de Évora, uma das capelas laterais desaparecidas após a intervenção da Direcção-geral dos Monumentos Nacionais na década de 40 do (...)
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  4. Informed consent instead of assent is appropriate in children from the age of twelve: Policy implications of new findings on children’s competence to consent to clinical research.Irma M. Hein, Martine C. De Vries, Pieter W. Troost, Gerben Meynen, Johannes B. Van Goudoever & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1-7.
    BackgroundFor many decades, the debate on children’s competence to give informed consent in medical settings concentrated on ethical and legal aspects, with little empirical underpinnings. Recently, data from empirical research became available to advance the discussion. It was shown that children’s competence to consent to clinical research could be accurately assessed by the modified MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research. Age limits for children to be deemed competent to decide on research participation have been studied: generally children of 11.2 (...)
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    Why is it hard to make progress in assessing children’s decision-making competence?Irma M. Hein, Pieter W. Troost, Alice Broersma, Martine C. De Vries, Joost G. Daams & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):1.
    For decades, the discussion on children’s competence to consent to medical issues has concentrated around normative concerns, with little progress in clinical practices. Decision-making competence is an important condition in the informed consent model. In pediatrics, clinicians need to strike a proper balance in order to both protect children’s interests when they are not fully able to do so themselves and to respect their autonomy when they are. Children’s competence to consent, however, is currently not assessed in a standardized way. (...)
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    Key factors in children’s competence to consent to clinical research.Irma M. Hein, Pieter W. Troost, Robert Lindeboom, Marc A. Benninga, C. Michel Zwaan, Johannes B. van Goudoever & Ramón J. L. Lindauer - 2015 - BMC Medical Ethics 16 (1):74.
    Although law is established on a strong presumption that persons younger than a certain age are not competent to consent, statutory age limits for asking children’s consent to clinical research differ widely internationally. From a clinical perspective, competence is assumed to involve many factors including the developmental stage, the influence of parents and peers, and life experience. We examined potential determining factors for children’s competence to consent to clinical research and to what extent they explain the variation in competence judgments.
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    Thinking with a Feminist Political Ecology of Air-and-breathing-bodies.Irma Kinga Allen - 2020 - Body and Society 26 (2):79-105.
    Social theory has paid little attention to air, despite its centrality to bodily existence and air pollution being named the world’s biggest public health crisis. Where attention to air is found, the body is largely absent. On the other hand, conceptualizing the body without life-sustaining breath fails to highlight breathing as the ongoing metabolic bodily act in which the materiality of human and more-than-human intermingle and transmute one another. Political ecology studies how unequal power structures and knowledge production reproduce human–environment (...)
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  8.  26
    Construcción y validación de un cuestionario para evaluar la relación médico-paciente y su asociación con los principios bioéticos.Irma Eloisa Gómez Guerrero, América Arroyo-Valerio, Nicola Panocchia, Rafael Valdez Ortiz, Nuria Aguiñaga-Chiñas & Guillermo Rafael Cantú Quintanilla - 2022 - Persona y Bioética 26 (1):e2619.
    La relación médico-paciente (RMP) es una relación profesional-interpersonal base para la gestión de la salud. Nuestro objetivo fue desarrollar un instrumento que permitiera evaluar la presencia de los principios bioéticos en la atención médica recibida en la consulta externa de una institución hospitalaria. El instrumento quedó constituido por 21 reactivos para evaluar su confiabilidad y consistencia. El coeficiente de correlación intraclase fue de 0,81 (_p_.
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    Ideal Embodiment. Kant's Theory of Sensibility.Angelica Nuzzo - 2008 - Indiana University Press.
    Angelica Nuzzo offers a comprehensive reconstruction of Kant's theory of sensibility in his three Critiques. By introducing the notion of "transcendental embodiment," Nuzzo proposes a new understanding of Kant's views on science, nature, morality, and art. She shows that the issue of human embodiment is coherently addressed and key to comprehending vexing issues in Kant's work as a whole. In this penetrating book, Nuzzo enters new terrain and takes on questions Kant struggled with: How does a body that feels pleasure (...)
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    Existentialism in Japanese Philosophy.Irma G. Shioshvili - 2014 - European Journal of Philosophical Research 1 (1):73-76.
  11.  19
    La facultad de juicio femenina.Irma Julienne Angue Medoux - 2023 - Praxis Filosófica 56:211-230.
    Las feministas han reconocido la importancia de defender la capacidad de pensar de las mujeres y de pensarse a sí mismas; es necesario ir más allá: sólo logramos devolver el respeto a las dominadas duraderas producidas por el machismo patriarcal en el que aún vivimos, al establecer que su facultad de juzgar radica en el uso del diálogo que comparte con los hombres, además de su diferencia de sexo y que sólo podemos disipar todas las presuntas dudas planteadas por violadores (...)
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    Economic Development and Political Change in Developing Countries.Irma Adelman - 1980 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 47.
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    Filosofía de la resistencia.Irma Becerra - 2012 - Tegucigalpa, Honduras: Baktun Editorial.
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  14. Narrativas maternas: um estudo transcultural com mulheres brasileiras e francesas.Irma Helena Ferreira Benate Bomfim & Valéria Barbieri - 2017 - Natureza Humana 17 (2).
    Este estudo teve por objetivo conhecer a experiência de mulheres brasileiras e francesasmães de meninas com idade entre três semanas e 11 meses. A perspectiva epistemológica foi aqualitativa e a estratégia metodológica foi a das narrativas psicanalíticas, interpretadas segundo oreferencial winnicottiano. Foi utilizado como mediador da comunicação com as mães o Teste deApercepção Temática Infantil. Os relatos das mulheres brasileiras giraram em torno do processode simbiose e diferenciação entre a díade mãe-bebê, dos recursos empregados para seu manejo eda tarefa da (...)
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    Emil Cioran: zile de studiu la Napoli = Emil Cioran: giornate di studio a Napoli: 2019-2020.Irma Carannante, Giovanni Rotiroti & Ciprian Vălcan (eds.) - 2021 - Milano: Criterion Editrice.
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    Reseña de libro: Violencia, espionaje y represión estatal. Seis estudios de caso sobre el pasado reciente argentino de Débora D´Antonio (comp.).Irma Colanzi - 2019 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 9 (18):e015.
    Revisión del libro Violencia, espionaje y represión estatal. Seis estudios de caso sobre el pasado reciente argentino por D. D´Antonio (comp.).
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    The Politics of Justice and the French Blood Affair in Hélène Cixous's The Perjured City.Irma Erlingsdóttir - 2015 - Paragraph 38 (3):369-385.
    In the article, I examine Hélène Cixous's play La Ville parjure ou le Réveil des Erinyes as a political contribution to the debate over memory and justice. The focus is on the question of how the telling of a story of atrocities may be therapeutic to both the victim and to society. I stress Cixous's alternative way of addressing justice: through forgiveness instead of criminal prosecution or other forms of retribution or reconciliation. Referring to Jacques Derrida's work, the main argument (...)
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  18.  46
    Probability learning: Left-right variables and response latency.Irma R. Gerjuoy, Herbert Gerjuoy & Richard Mathias - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 68 (4):344.
  19.  25
    Neformalių kaimo ir miesto darbo bendrijų sąsajos socialinių santykių aspektu.Irma Šidiškienė - 2017 - Logos: A Journal, of Religion, Philosophy Comparative Cultural Studies and Art 92:84-91.
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    Sleep deprivation and inference under uncertainty.Kurniawan Irma Triasih, Tsetsos Konstantinos & Chee Michael W. L. - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  21. Sbornik dokladi. Ivanova, Irma & [From Old Catalog] (eds.) - 1970
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    (1 other version)Science, Technology. and Society Education: Methods and Materials.Irma S. Jarcho - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (2):282-286.
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    Aristotle on Growth: a Study of the Argument of On Generation and Corruption I 5.Irma Kupreeva - 2005 - Apeiron 38 (3):103-160.
  24.  51
    Documentation of Patients' Participation in Care at the End of Life.Irma Lindström, Fannie Gaston-Johansson & Ella Danielson - 2006 - Nursing Ethics 13 (4):394-403.
    The aim of this study was to describe how patients’ participation in the care they received was documented in their health care records during the last three months of their lives. Two hundred and twenty-nine deceased adult persons were randomly identified from 12 municipalities in a Swedish county and their records were selected from different health care units. Content analysis was used to analyse the text. Four categories of patient participation were described: refusing offered care and treatments; appealing for relief; (...)
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  25.  15
    Die aktuelle Situation der Frauen in Afrika.Irma Julienne Angue Medoux - 2022 - Paragrana: Internationale Zeitschrift für Historische Anthropologie 31 (1):261-273.
    Diese Situation wird als eine Kumulation aller Ungleichheiten beschrieben, die einen Menschen treffen können: soziale Klassenungleichheit, sexuelle Ungleichheit und Ungleichheit aufgrund der Rasse. Durch die Zuspitzung dieser Ungleichheiten lässt sich die große Zahl afrikanischer Migrantinnen erklären. Die Suche nach sozialer, ziviler und bürgerlicher Gleichheit, die nach dem Modell der von Männern propagierten und zur Schau gestellten Selbstbeherrschung gedacht ist, kann in dem Maße nicht erfolgreich sein, wie sie versucht, sich einem Macho-Modell zu unterwerfen, das der Natur des Menschen widerspricht. Weil (...)
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  26.  9
    Gestión de una Red Social Virtual: Impacto en Matemáticas Universitarias.Irma Leticia Chávez Márquez - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-13.
    El objetivo del trabajo de investigación fue evaluar la relación entre el uso de una red social y el rendimiento académico en la materia de matemáticas. Para el método de investigación se trabajó con una muestra de 570 alumnos inscritos en la materia de matemáticas, la cual se dividió en estratos. Se llevó a cabo en una universidad pública del norte de México. La investigación fue longitudinal y correlacional. Los principales resultados indican que a mayor interacción académica en una red (...)
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    EPRs in the consultation room: A discussion of the literature on effects on doctor-patient relationships.Irma Ploeg, Brit Winthereik & Roland Bal - 2006 - Ethics and Information Technology 8 (2):73-83.
    In this paper we discuss expected and reported effects on care provider-patient relations of the introduction of electronic patient records (EPRs) in consultation settings by reviewing exemplary studies and literature on the subject from the past decade. We argue that in order for such assessments to be meaningful, talk of effects of “the” EPR needs to be replaced by an “unpacking” of EPR systems into their constituent parts and functionalities, the effects of which need to be assessed individually. Following from (...)
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  28.  33
    The acquired distinctiveness of cues: the role of discriminative verbal responses in facilitating the acquisition of discriminative motor responses.Irma L. Rossman & Albert E. Goss - 1951 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 42 (3):173.
  29.  20
    Twenty two Laghuyogavāsiṣṭha selections: Samskrit text with word-by-word translation into English.Irma Schotsman (ed.) - 2005 - Delhi, India: Nag Publishers.
    Classical verse work expounding early Vedantic approach in Hindu philosophy.
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  30. Idioms and other expressions referring to the human face.Irma Sorvali - 2007 - In Marja Nenonen & Sinikka Niemi, Collocations and idioms 1: papers from the First Nordic Conference on Syntactic Freezes, Joensuu, May 19-20, 2006. Joensuu: Joensuun yliopisto. pp. 1--306.
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    Aesthetic Distance in the Utopia.Irma Ned Stevens - 1974 - Moreana 11 (4):13-24.
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  32. Medical Communication, Lingua Francas.Irma Taavitsainen - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 643--44.
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  33. Medical discourse: Early Genres, 14th and 15th centuries.Irma Taavitsainen - 2005 - In Keith Brown, Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics. Elsevier. pp. 688--94.
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    Individual and Organizational Factors in Coping With COVID-19 in Soldier Students.Irma Talić, Alina Einhorn & Karl-Heinz Renner - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has posed significant burden across different industrial sectors. Generally, an increase in psychological stress experiences has been reported, while the stress and coping responses of specific, potentially burdened populations have received less attention thus far. Thus, the present study investigated relations between individual and organizational factors, indicators of psychological health, and possible mediating effects of four broad coping dimensions in a specific sample of soldier students who engage in a double-role being military affiliates and students of non-military (...)
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    En tiempos de examen: una crítica a la escuela moderna.Irma Villalpando - 2017 - Naucalpan de Juárez, Méx.: FES Acatlán.
  36. Mature Intuition and Mathematical Understanding.William D'Alessandro & Irma Stevens - forthcoming - Journal of Mathematical Behavior.
    Mathematicians often describe the importance of well-developed intuition to productive research and successful learning. But neither education researchers nor philosophers interested in epistemic dimensions of mathematical practice have yet given the topic the sustained attention it deserves. The trouble is partly that intuition in the relevant sense lacks a usefully clear characterization, so we begin by offering one: mature intuition, we say, is the capacity for fast, fluent, reliable and insightful inference with respect to some subject matter. We illustrate the (...)
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  37. Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica.Angelica Nuzzo - 2006 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44 (4):577-597.
    Angelica Nuzzo - Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica - Journal of the History of Philosophy 44:4 Journal of the History of Philosophy 44.4 577-597 Muse Search Journals This Journal Contents Kant and Herder on Baumgarten's Aesthetica Angelica Nuzzo While philosophers since antiquity have offered reflections and theories on subjects such as the beautiful, the sublime, art, and its appreciation, "aesthetics" as a discipline in its own right dates back only to the second half of the eighteenth-century. We owe to (...)
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  38.  63
    Kant and the unity of reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 2005 - Purdue University Press.
    Kant and the Unity of Reason is a comprehensive reconstruction and a detailed analysis of Kant's Critique of Judgment. In the light of the third Critique, the book offers a final inter­pretation of the critical project as a whole. It proposes a new reading of Kant's notion of human experience in which domains, as different as knowledge, morality, and the experience of beauty and life, are finally viewed in a unified perspective. The book proposes a reading of Kant's critical project (...)
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  39. Kant and the Unity of Reason.Angelica Nuzzo - 2006 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 68 (3):663-663.
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  40. Temporal Cognition in Apes.Angelica Kaufmann & Gerardo Viera - forthcoming - Australasian Journal of Philosophy.
    In humans, at least some of our ability to coordinate our actions with the timing of events in our world is due to our capacities for temporal cognition. However, controversy arises when we turn our attention to the animal world. In this paper, we will argue that apes, especially Taï Chimpanzees, are capable of genuine temporal cognition. That is, they are able to mentally represent and reason about time in cognition. We do this by developing a novel analysis of the (...)
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  41.  61
    Hegel and the Analytic Tradition.Angelica Nuzzo (ed.) - 2009 - Continuum.
    An important collection of essays that rectifies a long-standing misconception in the history of the relation between Hegel and analytic philosophy.>.
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  42.  22
    Religious moderation in Naskah Wawacan Babad Walangsungsang: A Sundanese religious diversity wisdom.Wawan Hernawan, Irma Riyani & Busro Busro - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):13.
    The purpose of this study is to analyse the teachings of religious moderation contained in the Wawacan Babad Walangsungsang script. This research employs a qualitative method with philology as the main analysis of the data, namely manuscript inventory, script description, script transfer, and language translation. The script shows the story of Prince Walangsungsang’s journey in search of spirituality, specifically Islam. Interestingly, he learned his spirituality through many non-Muslim teachers until he finally met Sheik Datuk Kahfi in Bukit Amparan Jati. The (...)
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  43. Two Models of Mind Blanking.Angelica Kaufmann, Sara Parmigiani & Toshikazu Kawagoe - 2023 - European Journal of Neuroscience 59 (5):786-795.
    Mind blanking is a mental state in which attention does not bring any perceptual input into conscious awareness. As this state is still largely unexplored, we suggest that a comprehensive understanding of mind blanking can be achieved through a multifaceted approach combining self-assessment methods, neuroimaging, and neuromodulation. In this article, we explain how EEG and TMS could be combined to help determine whether mind blanking is associated with a lack of mental content or a lack of linguistically or conceptually determinable (...)
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  44.  22
    Approaching Hegel's logic, obliquely: Melville, Moliére, Beckett.Angelica Nuzzo - 2018 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    An unprecedented reading of Hegel’s Logic that sets this difficult work in a dialogue with literary texts. In this book, Angelica Nuzzo proposes a reading of Hegel’s Logic as “logic of transformation” and “logic of action,” and supports this thesis by looking to works of literature and history as exemplary of Hegel’s argument and method. By examining Melville’s Billy Budd, Molière’s Tartuffe, Beckett’s Endgame, Elizabeth Bishop’s and Giacomo Leopardi’s late poetry along with Thucydides’ History in this way, Nuzzo finds an (...)
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    Evaluation of physician–patient relationship and bioethical principles in COVID-19 patients.Irma Eloísa Gómez Guerrero, América Arroyo-Valerio, Arturo Reding-Bernal, Nuria Aguiñaga Chiñas, Ana Isabel García & Guillermo Rafael Cantú Quintanilla - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):71-74.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted medical care in many ways; previously, a patient would enter a hospital and had an approximate idea of what would happen upon his admission, the physician informed them about it, but in the last two years this scenario has changed. Therefore, our aim was to identify if bioethical principles are present in the physician–patient relationship and the effect of these in the health care provided, through an observational and descriptive study where patients answered the validated (...)
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    Form, Formality, Formalism in Hegel’s Dialectic-Speculative Logic.Angelica Nuzzo - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):169-183.
    1. There is a sense in which, quite generally, with his logic Hegel can be considered the forerunner of many projects taken up by successive (non-classical) logics—and this despite the fact that He...
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    Hegel on Religion and Politics.Angelica Nuzzo (ed.) - 2012 - State University of New York Press.
    _Critical essays on Hegel's views concerning the relationship between religion and politics._.
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  48. The Role of Scenarios in Paradoxes.Angelica Mezzadri - 2024 - Synthese 203 (193).
    This paper fills a gap in the existing metaphilosophical research on paradoxes byfocusing on the role of scenarios. Typical philosophical paradoxes contain a scenariodescription whose contribution to paradoxes remains unexplored. I argue that sce-narios are examples or instantiations of the abstract schema of paradoxes. As such,scenarios contribute to paradoxes on two levels. First, they make the argument moreconcrete, thus enhancing the dialectical force of paradoxes and facilitating their under-standing, especially for non-experts. This function is external to the paradox itself, buthas (...)
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    Introducing individual sentience profiles in nonhuman primate neuroscience research.Angelica Kaufmann - 2023 - Current Research in Neurobiology 5.
    The Animal Research Declaration is committed to establishing cohesive and rigorous ethical standards to safeguard the welfare of nonhuman primates, NHPs, engaged in neuroscience research (Petkov et al., 2022 this issue). As part of this mission, there is an expanding dialogue amongst neuroscientists, philosophers and policymakers, that is centred on diverse aspects of animal welfare and scientific practice. This paper emphasises the necessity of integrating the assessment of animal sentience into the declaration. Animal sentience, in this context, refers to the (...)
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  50. Weltgeschichte as Weltgericht: History and the Idea of the World in Hegel.Angelica Nuzzo - 2024 - In Paolo Diego Bubbio & Andrew Buchwalter, Justice and freedom in Hegel. New York: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group.
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